As a Mental Health Therapist, Women’s Life Coach, International Speaker and Author, Shari works with you to identify the challenges that are standing in the way of you reaching your full potential.  After enjoying a very successful career in Business Operations and Program Development, Shari decided to go back to school to fulfill a dream of receiving her Mental Health Degree. Her vast business experience combined with her Mental Health expertise gave her the perfect combination of skills to help women discover where they belong, subsequently reinventing their lives.


Reflecting back on her career, her 30-year marriage, and raising two sons, Shari realized that there were core principles that were present in her personal and professional life that enabled her to be successful, happy and healthy. She presents these in her new book, “31 days to Finding Your Inner Sass – Shortcuts to Girlfriend Happiness.” She works daily with women to incorporate these principles from her book into their own lives so they may achieve the success, happiness and SASS that they deserve.

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