My book,”31 days to Finding Your Inner Sass – Shortcuts to Girlfriend Happiness” is a daily journey to finding happiness and success in your personal and professional life. Each day, a different theme is introduced that I believe will enable you to live your life in a happy, healthy way. Take it slow and read one chapter daily so you can give the topic the time it deserves.

“This is hands down the most relatable, thought-provoking and helpful book I’ve ever read. Shari digs to the core of several common issues women have, and then provides the tools needed to navigate a way to the solution — all in an easily digestible, quick-to-read format. I highly recommend this book to any woman searching for a way to enrich their relationships, career, happiness and life in its entirety.” – Amy Scalia

My hope for you, girlfriend, is that you take the time to read through the questions at the end of each chapter. This is where the real work and change starts! The questions encourage you to dig a little deeper. You get to ask yourself, how does it really relate to me? And if you are on a roll, you can complete the “Your call to action” exercise and put the principles into action. I’ve made sure to include room on the page to write down your thoughts or reactions to the chapter material.

Girlfriends, don’t wait another day to change your life.

Click here to get the book “31 Days to Finding Your Inner Sass” and begin your journey to finding fabulous “YOU”!


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