You need this girlfriend in your life!

Yesterday, I met a friend for lunch that I hadn’t seen for a long time. We used to work together and talk daily about what was going on in our lives. Once I left that job, it was difficult to find the time to meet due to our different schedules and responsibilities in life. Sure, I’ve stopped by a couple times to see her, but you really don’t learn a lot in those ten-minute conversations. We needed to have a good deep conversation and play catch-up.Continue reading

Hey Girlfriend- That Wouldn’t Fly in My House

I was standing in line to pay for my purchase at the mall when my cell phone rang. Let me digress for a moment and share that I had just found an amazing dress that fit perfectly for only 23.00! Every girlfriend knows it feels when you find a great bargain— it always puts you in the best mood. Needless to say, I was feeling quite accomplished and giddy as I talked to the sales clerk and answered my phone. On the other line was my son, who had recently just finished his first year of college.Continue reading

Uh oh, Girlfriend, I Really Messed Up!

My college roommate came to visit me this past weekend. What made this so special is that we hadn’t seen each other for 20 years. Let’s face it, a lot of life can happen in 20 years. People grow, kids mature and relationships are forever altered. Needless to say, there was a lot for the two of us to catch up on. We had known each other since grade school and had talked from a young age about going to Ohio State together. You’re probably wondering why it took 20 years for us to get together. Did we live far from each other? Did we have a falling out or just grow apart? The answer is none of the above.Continue reading

My Journey to Finding “Inner Sass”

I had a great job in outside sales. One of my job responsibilities was traveling all over the state of Ohio to sell eyewear to Optometrists and Ophthalmologists. I had decided, in all my wisdom, that an outside sales job was exactly the right direction for my career. I had 9 years of experience in operational management and was working my way up to more responsibility. An outside sales job, I reasoned, would enable me to be flexible and control the hours that I worked. With two young children that now influenced my work hours, I could work around their schedules, athletic games and school involvement. I had the ability to have unlimited earning potential and opportunities for management. Yes, outside sales, I concluded, was exactly what I should be doing.Continue reading

Hey Girlfriend-You are Beautiful!

I learned many lessons when I went away to college- ones that went beyond textbooks and classes. I learned about life, relationships and accepting myself with love. Until an experience with a new friend, I hadn’t completely understood how a girlfriend’s self-love played into every relationship she encountered in life. This one girlfriend that I am referring to had me stymied- I could not figure her out. L was of average height and definitely not what we would call thin by today’s gauge of what is an attractive woman. L was flat chested, and a bit hippy with heavier, shorter legs. To be honest, she was not pretty by conventional standards and had a very average looking face with average features. Her hair was a little kinky and unkempt. The thing that totally confused me was that all the guys were so crazy about her.Continue reading